My Profile

You can view and edit your profile details here.

1. Create a New Password

  1. Go to the Ontoto Web Portal.
  2. In the top right corner, click on Drop Down.
  3. Click on My Profile.
  4. Click on Edit.
  5. Enter a new password.
  6. Click on Update User.

Password Requirements

  1. Minimum of 8 characters.
  2. Include a mix of upper and lower case letters (e.g., A, a).
  3. Include at least one numerical digit (e.g., 0-9).
  4. Include at least one special character (e.g., !, @, #, $).

Forgot Password

2. Choose a Timezone

  1. Go to the Ontoto Web Portal.
  2. In the top right corner, click on Drop Down.
  3. Click on My Profile.
  4. Click on Edit.
  5. Select Timezone.
  6. Click on Update User.

Your data will be shown according to your chosen timezone.

Note: Your data will be shown according to your chosen timezone.