Notification Email Groups

This enables the creation of a group of notification recipients, ensuring that all members receive the emails simultaneously.

Create a Notification Email Group

  1. Go to the Ontoto Web Portal.
  2. Click on Settings in the menu bar and select Notification Email Group.
  3. Click on Create Notification Email Group.
  4. Enter name and description.
  5. Click on  Create Notification Email Group, or Create & Add Another to create another one.

Notification Emails

You can create one or multiple notification emails within a notification email group.

The Ontoto Web Portal generates two types of notifications:

  • Reports
  • System Notifications

The Administrator is able to administer which reports and notifications will be sent via email to each designated user.

Note: Fire Danger Index and Fire Danger Rating Notification and Monthly Rain Fall data is only available for Environmental Monitoring Systems.

Create a Notification Email

  1. Go to the Ontoto Web Portal.
  2. Click on Settings in the menu bar and select Notification Emails.
  3. Click on Create Notification Email.
  4. Enter name and email id.
  5. Choose a group or click the plus icon to Create a Notification Email Group.
  6. Click on  Create Notification Email, or Create & Add Another to create another one.