Notification Email Groups
This enables the creation of a group of notification recipients, ensuring that all members receive the emails simultaneously.
Create a Notification Email Group
- Go to the Ontoto Web Portal.
- Click on Settings in the menu bar and select Notification Email Group.
- Click on Create Notification Email Group.
- Enter name and description.
- Click on Create Notification Email Group, or Create & Add Another to create another one.
Notification Emails
You can create one or multiple notification emails within a notification email group.
The Ontoto Web Portal generates two types of notifications:
- Reports
- System Notifications
The Administrator is able to administer which reports and notifications will be sent via email to each designated user.
Note: Fire Danger Index and Fire Danger Rating Notification and Monthly Rain Fall data is only available for Environmental Monitoring Systems.
Create a Notification Email
- Go to the Ontoto Web Portal.
- Click on Settings in the menu bar and select Notification Emails.
- Click on Create Notification Email.
- Enter name and email id.
- Choose a group or click the plus icon to Create a Notification Email Group.
- Click on Create Notification Email, or Create & Add Another to create another one.