In 2015 true remote telemetry devices did not exist.  Ontoto’s Managing Director, Tim Blake, decided it was time for that to change and started designing and manufacturing data loggers that provided truly remote telemetry solutions to the environmental monitoring industry.

The Ontoto solutions are designed and manufactured in-house and over time we have learned many things.  Data loggers should be easy to install and use; they should be cost effective; they should have a long technology life; they should have long battery life; and, most importantly, they should be reliable.

The Ontoto range includes data loggers for groundwater monitoring, vibrating wire loggers, water metering, tipping rain gauges and environmental monitoring. Our devices now utilise 4G, NB-IoT and satellite communications.  Couple this with our Ontoto Data Management, Ontoto provides the entire solution for managing your data.

The current standard telecommunications network cannot guarantee reliability of coverage across Australia, let alone across the world.  Many of our clients are operating in areas that are remote and do not have cellular coverage.  This is why the Ontoto devices are all designed with a satellite connectivity alternative.  It provides a guarantee to our clients that they can get their data to their desktop from anywhere in the world, and it offers a solution with longevity.  We have also ensured that the costs of our satellite solutions are comparable to cellular costs.

We are extremely proud of our products and the customer service we offer.  Our team is always ensuring our products are cutting edge and maximising the technologies available. 

Ontoto – providing world-class remote telemetry solutions to protect our natural resources.

Capable of withstanding Australia’s harsh environment, the Ontoto IP68 range of products ready for any application.

Our Global Footprint
Australian Designed & Made
Self Installation
Wireless Configuration
Cutting Edge Technology at Affordable Prices
Continuous Development
Best Customer Service
Ontoto designs, manufactures and supplies ultra-low power, low cost telemetry data logging solutions. We have developed the firmware and hardware designs to suit the needs of Hydrogeologists and Environmental Scientists. All our products and services are designed in-house using emerging technologies and are designed to provide an all-in-one solution to fulfil all requirements in any location. Each data logger is capable of using an array of intelligent digital sensors, collecting sensor data at frequencies ranging from every minute to every year and utilises NB-IoT and satellite networks as methods for communication and data transmission.

Our data loggers come pre-configured (batteries included) ready to be installed. Our remote telemetry packages are a drop-in, turn key telemetry data logging solution designed to fit within a standard water bore monument with a single bolted connection. Logging and communications are supported with a comprehensive cloud monitoring platform.

Data is available in real-time through the web portal and the Ontoto Connect App. Your data can also be easily integrated into your projects thanks to our secure and simple to use Application Programming Interface (API). Your data can also be exported as a CSV file for use in a variety of other applications. Designed with redundancy in mind, a copy of your data is also securely stored to the device itself.

All this in a small, compact, cost effective solution.
Feature Description

The Ontoto Connect mobile app allows onsite management of the data logger to be undertaken wirelessly via BLE. There is no need to connect a laptop directly to the device. The Ontoto Connect Android and iOS application provides a gateway to communicate with the loggers and their data, providing customers with a fast and efficient way of initially installing and configuring their device and giving data insights at a glance. 

The key features

Configure the device name, sampling period,transmission period, and alarm threshold.

Available firmware updates can be downloaded from the Ontoto server and uploaded to the device.

The device will scan through each connected sensor. The measurements of each sensor and any detected errors will be displayed.

Tests for Satellite connectivity and signal strength and displays any detected faults.

The location of the device will be updated with the GPS coordinates of the phone and transmitted to the Ontoto Web Portal.

The device stores all recorded data in persistent memory for redundancy and auditing purposes. The data log is processed into a CSV file.

While using the app, the debug log received from the device is automatically streamed to the Ontoto server, allowing for seamless debugging during deployment.

App Installation

To install the Android App or IOS version you can use the links below

Feature Description

The Ontoto Greyhound IP68 is the familiar Ontoto Greyhound Datalogger which provides ultra low powered performance and utilises the proven set up and functionality of the Ontoto Connect App but with more features. The fully encapsulated design means it is resistant to insect infestations making it maintenance free. Easily one of the most robust dataloggers on the market, Ontoto’s Greyhound IP68 Datalogger will perform in the harshest conditions without the need for regular in-field visits.

Ontoto Greyhound IP68

Ontoto Vibrating Wire - Satellite
Feature Description

This device utilises the Ontoto Meerkat data logger.  Using this vibrating wire data logger, you will be able to monitor and manage your monitoring bore remotely once the installation has been completed. With simplicity in mind connection of the battery initiates the device and there is only one SMA aerial connection and one push button wake up switch.

  • Satellite and BLE connectivity.
  • Sensor data stored in flash memory on board as a backup.
  • User customisable with site set up tools via Android or iOS app.
  • Strong and durable casing to protect the internal hardware.
  • A tested range of higher gain aerials available to suit the geography of your location.
  • Site powered with backup lithium batteries.

The Ontoto Vibrating Wire has been designed to comply with the Australian Standards:

  • AS/NZS 3820:2009 for low voltage battery powered devices
  • Iridium Certification
Device Specifications
Product Features
  • Iridium Satellite network connectivity.
  • 10+ years battery life.
  • Remotely configurable by the end user via our Android application and our Web Portal.
  • Sampling and reporting frequencies from as little as one minute, to as much as one year.
  • No proprietary software to receive or access the data.
  • Complimentary web portal for device and data management.
  • Designed and made in Australia.
Technical Specifications
  • Stainless steel and PET casing ensure longevity.
  • Operational temperature range from -40 to 80 degrees C.
  • Logger Dimensions (including battery pack):

2 and 4 Channel:  105 mm (W) x 85 mm (D) x 30 mm (H)

8 Channel:  155 mm (W) x 85 mm (D) x 30 mm (H)

  • External Case Dimensions:

2 and 4 Channel:  200mm (W) x 300mm (H) x 150mm (D)

8 Channel:  300mm (W) x 300mm (H) x 150mm (D)

Battery Specifications

The provided battery pack is comprised of three Lithium-based batteries (ER2500M) in parallel with the following specifications:

  • Voltage: 3.6 V
  • Capacity: 3 x 14000 mAh
  • Long shelf life: less than 1% self-discharge rate at 25°C per year
  • Temperature range: -55°C to +85°C
Vibrating Wire - Satellite Specifications
Parameter Value Unit Resolution
VW Reading
Frequency range250 to 6500Hz min/max0.01 Hz
Reading accuracy0.001%
Frequency estimation method FFT
Temperature Reading
Sensor typeConfigurable, default NTC 3K
Reading accuracy±0.10.1℃
SpecificationDiameter: 10cm
Height: 34cm
Solar RadiationRange: 0-1750W/m2
Resolution: 1W/m2
Accuracy: ±5%
RainfallRange: 0-125 mm/hr
Resolution: 0.017mm
Accuracy:±5% of measurement from 0 to 50 mm/h
Vapour PressureRange: 0 to 47 kPa
Resolution: 0.01 kPa
Accuracy: Varies with temperature and humidity, ±0.2 kPa typical below 40°C
HumidityRange: 0-100%
Resolution: 0.1% RH
Accuracy: ±3%
TemperatureRange: -40 to 50°C
Resolution: 0.1°C
Accuracy: ±0.6°C
Humidity Sensor TemperatureRange: -40 to 50°C
Resolution: 0.1°C
Accuracy: ±1.0 °C
Barometric PressureRange: 50-110 kPa
Resolution: 00.01 kPa
Accuracy: ±0.1 kPa
Wind DirectionRange: 0-359°
Resolution: 1°
Accuracy: ± 5°
Wind SpeedRange: 0 to 40 m/s
Resolution: 0.01 m/s
Accuracy: the greater of 0.3m/s or 3% of measurement
Wind GustRange: 0 to 40 m/s
Resolution: 0.01 m/s
Accuracy: the greater of 0.3m/s or 3% of measurement
Lightning Strike CountRange: 0-65,535
Strikes Resolution: 1
strike Accuracy: variable with distance, >25% detection at < 10km
Lightning Average DistanceRange: 0-40km,
Resolution: 3km
Accuracy Variable
Sensor Parameters
  • minimum wind direction
  • average wind direction
  • maximum wind direction
  • minimum wind speed
  • average wind speed
  • maximum wind speed
  • temperature
  • humidity
  • air pressure
  • rainfall
  • solar radiation
  • UV intensity
  • maximum noise
  • minimum noise
  • average noise
  • 5 particle concentration
  • PM10 particle concentration

We are excited to exhibit at the upcoming Ozwater’23 event at the ICC, Sydney

Come and see us at stand j41

May 10-12

The Ontoto GNSS tilt sensor is a compact, lightweight, solar-powered sensor designed for long-term remote monitoring of deformation and slip