Bribie Island was ravaged by a bush fire and the Ontoto loggers we caught in the middle. Even under such severe conditions the Ontoto loggers performed extremely well. Read about the experience.

In 2015 Ontoto installed two 3G data loggers to existing moisture sensors on Bribie Island, for Seqwater. In August 2019 a section of the island was ravaged by a bush fire at the exact location of our loggers. One logger and sensor was damaged by the fire, however continued to log for some months after the fire event. The second site kept logging.
In May 2021 we were requested to investigate and repair the damaged site. We managed to locate our damaged logger to find the sensor and panel destroyed but the logger in good condition. We managed to locate what remained of the sensor. What appears to be a charred stump is in fact the sensor.
Seeing the effect the intensity of the fire had on this site, it is amazing the other site remained intact and functioning.
We have now upgraded both the sites and due to the poor coverage on Bribie Island we used our Astro Data Logger. Utilising the Iridium Satellite network, we can guarantee transmission of the data and have provided Seqwater with a minimum 10 year solution, all at similar operating costs to regular cellular connections.
The monument in this photo is actually the same monument that survived the fire. We only had to upgrade the logger from 3G to Satellite.
The logger sites on the island are under Native Title making it a sensitive area to work in. Using the Ontoto loggers there is minimal disturbance to the surrounding areas.